Major Kellie Brennan is a military staff working for the Canadian Army. She has functioned as the sub-ordinate of Jonathan Vance. From 2001 until his retirement. Kellie Brennan has not discovered a put on Wikipedia for her profile at this point. Be that as it may, we have remembered everything to think about her for this article.

We can likewise allude to different sites and online papers to get familiar with her as she is moving on the web as of late. Kellie Brennan appears to fall into the age gathering of 40-45 years of age. In any case, her genuine age has not risen to the top yet.

Kellie Brennan has not acquainted her better half with the web yet. Nonetheless, as per an article distributed by Ottawa Citizen, she is isolated from her better half. The character of her ex remaining parts covered up as of now.

Kellie Brennan has eight kids who range from year and a half to 16 years in age. In any case, the name of her kids has not seen the spotlight yet. In her declaration late Thursday, Kellie guaranteed Jon Vance has fathered two of her kids, yet he has not upheld them yet as per Global News.

Kellie Brennan is one of the primary individuals to approach to affirm General Jon Vance of sexual offense in the Canadian National Army. After her cases of sexual unfortunate behavior, numerous different ladies have likewise approached with their cases.

In her declaration, Kellie claims it was all consensual in the sense she was taking part in the sexual relationship, yet she additionally said she didn’t have a decision of saying no as indicated by The Star.