He was an esteemed character and known by all. The news is most certainly hard to process, especially to the people who knew him by and by.


How did Kev die and what befell him? We should investigate.

Each and every in-your-face Watford fan knew Kev Norman. He was a splendid coordinator and had not missed a solitary England game since the 90s.

Any genuinely ordinary away adherent who went to the most far off game would be sure of Kev’s quality there.

He was a truly amicable fellow and would be vigorously missed by his friends and family.

Britain fan Kev Norman died in a terrible mishap in Venice. He was headed to go to an England match against San Marino the previous evening.

The specific idea of the mishap has not been uncovered at this point. Be that as it may, his companions and faithful WFC fans have taken to Twitter to post genuine eulogies in his honor.

A WFC fan, @eastcoastorn, affirmed his demise on the WFC conversation discussion. He recalled that him as his dear companion and how they’d met just last Sunday.

They were in the Euston Flyer coming back from Arsenal and were getting ready for the Bretford trip.

Another fan, @seajamiron, posted a passionate post on Twitter. They affirmed he died from a mishap and petitioned God for his loved ones.

— Jamie (@seajamiron) November 16, 2021

“Incredible outing completed on a big low hearing the report about Kev Norman dying in Venice on the way to San Marino. We are from Him, to Him we as a whole return,” composed another person.

Kev Norman was most likely matured between 60-70 years of age.

His loved ones are positively crushed by his abrupt downfall. Be that as it may, they are yet to offer any expression in regards to his demise.