King’s Quest is a classic adventure series originally created by Sierra, has been developed by The Odd Gentlemen in order to “reimagine” and revive this series, with additional help of Activision. The episodes will follow the adventures of a youthful King Graham, who is now an old man telling his stories to his granddaughter, Gwendolyn, in order to help her solve problems she is experiencing in the present.

The first episode, called A Knight to Remember, will cost $10. As with most episodic video games, King’s Quest: The Complete Collection seems to be a “season pass” for all five chapters and is currently available for pre-order on PSN and Steam for $40. It seems Xbox One pre-orders will begin on July 7th.

The art style of King’s Quest seems a bit similar to that of The Walking Dead, Game of Thrones and Wolf Among Us by Telltale Games. This combined with a similar episodic system to Telltale may mean that King’s Quest could be quite the experience for those who want a fantasy adventure video game. What are your thoughts? Leave a comment and as always, for all your gaming news, articles and opinions stay tuned to