Not all of the weapons behave in the same ways, and some of them appear to have been entirely cut or drastically reduced in capability from what was shown and discussed in early development.

One such weapon is the Kingdom Come Deliverance polearm, which offers increased reach in your attacks but with some major drawbacks inherent to the game design.

Not sure how to use polearms or what they are good for compared to swords or axes? We explain everything you need to know to thump some skulls, if you can deal with the bugs! 

 Having a longer reach than a sword seems like a good idea in theory

Using Polearms In Kingdom Come Deliverance

If you haven’t managed to pick one up yet, you can find polearms most often in the armories of any given village or town, or on enemies who attack you with them.

These larger weapons are slow but have longer range than the sword, giving you an advantage particularly in large-scale combat, where enemies are often distracted. Sadly, the negatives of the polearm tend to heavily outweigh those few positives.

Holding Polearms

Most important to note for the potential player is that polearms are severely restricted from other weapon types. Critically, polearms don’t act as inventory items like other weapons or armor pieces.

You can’t actually holster or stash your polearm and switch it out for another object or weapon. Performing any type of action with your hands at all forces you to drop the polearm on the ground entirely.

This is a big problem because you can’t carry around a polearm in an area where guards can see you for extended periods, as they will get angry at you for openly carrying an unsheathed weapon. It isn’t just your inventory that rejects polearms, either.

The game doesn’t allow you to stash a polearm in any type of container or even strap it to your horse. The only options are in your hands or on the ground. Since it isn’t possible to stash a polearm in your inventory or a container, you can’t switch between different polearm types and can only use the one currently being held.

Because they don’t go in your inventory, you can’t currently sell polearms to any merchants, either. Forget about running and charging with a polearm, as that isn’t possible. As a further restriction, it isn’t possible at this time to hold a shield in one hand while mounted with a polearm held in the other.

Polearm Skill

The biggest deal breaker of all is that – unlike nearly every other weapon – there are no skills to increase for polearms to make them more useful.

This strange oversight is particularly odd since you can pay Bernard to train you in using polearms, but it doesn’t seem to do anything since there isn’t actually a polearm skill.

It is unclear if there’s supposed to be a skill here that just isn’t appearing properly, or if the skill was culled before launch and the developers forgot to remove the ability to train it. 

Either way, expect a patch to either add in some features or cull even more of the polearm’s usability from the game.

 Polearms aren’t nearly as prevalent or useful as the alpha indicated …

Now that you know the basics of polearm combat and are ready to move on, it’s time to take a gander at our other Kingdom Come: Deliverance guides here:

Kingdom Come Deliverance Console Commands A Bird In The Hand Quest Glitch Guide How To Save Teresa KCD Beginner’s Tips And Tricks