He was brought down prior to anything genuine occurred, and that is the explanation the name Kuachua Brillion Xiong is on the moving page of google. Who Is Kuachua Brillion Xiong, 25 Merced Calif TikTok? Wikipedia Bio Kuachua Brillion Xiong was a man captured later he attempt to kill the president.


Kuachua, whose beginning is as yet being referred to, is presently arrested, and relatively few have seen his face as of not long ago. His Wikipedia and Bio are additionally very mystery now, as the Federal division would rather not give any data in regards to the episode.

As indicated by The Los Angeles Times, experts in Iowa secured a person who was found with a gun and a “kill list” that included President Biden and Anthony Fauci, the country’s top irresistible infections trained professional, during a traffic check.

As indicated by government court papers delivered Tuesday, Kuachua Brillion Xiong of Merced, California, was captured last week later allegedly let police know who pulled him over for driving carelessly that he was headed to the White House “to kill those in power.”

In spite of the fact that Xiong couldn’t arrive at the white house, as he was halted before the assault. As per court archives, Xiong’s “kill list” of targets was developed utilizing TikTok recordings.

Notwithstanding Biden and Fauci, the rundown allegedly included previous Presidents Clinton and Obama, just as Meta CEO Mark Zuckerberg. Kuachua Brillion Xiong Facebook Photo Kuachua Brillion Xiong’s facebook photographs have not yet been found, as he doesn’t have any.

However it was observed that he was on TikTok and with the hitlist to assault them. Furthermore the names were too prominent from the president to Mark Zukerberg. However there has been very little data found with regards to Xiong in the media, he is as yet looked by many.

Kuachua Brillion Xiong told officers he was going to scale the WH fence to kill people in power, via @AndyTriay pic.twitter.com/LeAPyNgRc2

— Mike Valerio (@MikevWUSA) December 29, 2021

Why Is Kuachua Brillion Xiong Arrested? His Mugshot Kuachua Brillion Xiong was captured on the grounds that he was making a beeline for white house to kill the president. Furthermore the president, yet a ton many individuals who are USA’s best individuals on the web.

Albeit the justification for the doing isn’t yet been clarified by Kuachua Brillion Xiong, it is expected that he may be insane. At this point, no Mugshot’s have been transferred by the police office, as the case is presently given over to the FBI. The news may before long follow by significantly more nitty gritty data about Kuachua Brillion Xiong’s life.