Arjun walking asks for what reason won’t be in that frame of mind to contact Prithvi, he sees Kavya talking with among the understudies, Praumila sees Arjun so feels a piece careful as he’s attractive, arjun sees her includes ask the whereabouts of Preeta, kavya moreover hurries to welcome him when he gets some information about Preeta, Praumila uncovers she went to the library as she needs some aide, Arjun dismisses to go when she presents herself as the class mentor of Kavya, she demands her to allow him to go as then her mother would reprove him, Arjun questions for what reason is she talking like this, kavya answers that he was furthermore chastened yesterday, Arjun straightforwardly will get stunned so gets some information about it when Kavya answers she knows about every one of the pieces as she is The Kavya Luthra, Praumila requests that she return inside the class since it has started, Arjun says thanks to her for letting him know the spot is Preeta when she considers course of the library, Praumila thinks Kavya is fairly similar to him and has not gotten any propensities for Preeta, she shouts that Arjun is an exceptionally pleasant title. Prithvi emerges from concealing scrutinizing the spot is Preeta, the lights out of nowhere stop glimmering when he shouts that Bhagwan jee mustn’t make them glint any longer because of if they happen then Preeta jee would conceivably get frightened and leave so he mustn’t play any game with him, Prithvi hears someone coming so immediately stows away, he sees Preeta jee remaining in entry of him and starts grinning.

Arjun though walking around the lobby asks the people concerning the library anyway even they donot find out about it, he figures he wouldn’t actually allow Prithvi to consider Preeta, the peon illuminates him the library is on the completion of the corridor anyway there is certainly not a delicate so he should pursue 30 minutes. Arjun by the by runs which stresses the peon.

Preeta is inside the library when the lights start to glimmer so she will get strained, Prithvi shouts she shows up significantly more shocking when she is frightened. Preeta is feeling quite a bit better when the lights come back once more and starts searching for the books.

Prithvi gradually calls Preeta which concerns her, so she attempts to look anyway Prithvi figures out how to cover from her, he figures she won’t be in that frame of mind to recognize his voice in any event, while he’s taking her title with a great deal love. The lights when again exit and Preeta starts getting strained, but sooner than Prithvi can name her he’s pulled by someone. Arjun tosses Prithvi out inside the corridor, he shouts that he has lost his mind-set when Arjun cautions to hit him extra in the event that even his one punch hits him, Prithvi figures out how to hit Arjun who in flip hits him harder, Prithvi makes sense of that he did it out of frustration anyway for what reason does Arjun not see they each are buddies as they’ve a run of the mill foe anyway will change into big business friends so he should so some mercy, Arjun cautions Prithvi to stay away from Preeta in some other case he wouldn’t let Prithvi go, he inquires as to whether Arjun moreover started experiencing passionate feelings for alongside her anyway he can see as anyone who accompanies the need of retribution at last winds up falling head over heels alongside her as that individual was him, he knows about Arjun furthermore needs to get payback which is the reason he gave Raja and his guys the money to kill Rishab.

Yet again arjun when cautions Prithvi to keep away from Preeta anyway he answers he can’t bear it any longer, so Arjun answers he doesnot even want to talk with him. Prithvi makes sense of they each are going to change into big business sidekicks yet when Arjun doesnot concur then he furthermore has a ton of mysteries and strategies, Arjun orders him to disappear anyway Prithvi answers in the event that someone transforms into his pal, he moreover deals with them anyway a remarkable inverse is extra unsafe for his foes, Arjun by the by figures out how to deliver him away, he turning sees Prithvi has dropped his cell so gets it anyway is shocked to see a coach standing infront of him, Arjun in a split second palms her the cell mentioning assuming that she might give it to him, he tells his title is Prithvi Malhotra and likewise praises her on how dazzling she is needing, the mentor takes the cell inside the washroom the spot she starts cleaning her make-up, she doesnot know that the cell is recording.